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Caring for Contact Lenses to Stay Safe to Use

Helps clear vision while still showing off beautiful eyes, so using contact lenses can be a solution. But be careful if not treated properly, it can adversely affect your eyes. Contact lenses function as a substitute for glasses. Contact lenses will make it easier when doing various activities, without the need to worry about glasses that may have the risk of scratches, breakages, broken or lost. Besides helping to see more clearly, contact lenses also do not interfere with appearance.

How to Take Care of Contact Lenses

Despite having many advantages in terms of care, contact lenses need more attention than glasses. Contact lens conditions must always be hygienic so as not to cause health problems such as eye infections and other visual complications. Although it cannot be completely avoided, you can prevent eye infections in the following ways.
  • Always wash thoroughly and dry your hands before installing or removing your contact lenses.
  • Remove contact lenses before bathing or swimming. Try not to contact your contact lenses with water.
  • Try to always remove contact lenses before going to sleep. It is not recommended to wear contact lenses continuously. When we close our eyes with contact lenses that remain in the eye, the amount of oxygen to the eye becomes thinner. This causes the surface of the eye to become susceptible to infection. In addition, germs on the lens will stick to the cornea during sleep.
  • Use special cleaning fluid recommended by your doctor or pharmacy to clean and soak your contact lenses. Do not use water or other liquids, because sea water, pool water, even even distilled water, can contain acanthamoeba organisms that can cause eye infections.
  • Rub gently when you clean contact lenses using cleaning fluid. Be careful not to tear the contact lens.
  • Clean contact lenses after use and contact lens storage boxes once every three months to keep them clean.
  • If you wear disposable contact lenses, you don't need to clean them because they are not designed to be used again. Never use disposable contact lenses for more than a day.

Risk of diseases arising from dirty contact lenses

If used correctly, contact lenses are proven to be safe. But the risk of eye infections due to contact lenses should still be aware. Because germs are everywhere, including on the hands and eyelids. When bacteria or fungus stick to your contact lenses, your eyes also have a risk of infection. Disinfectant substances contained in contact lens cleaning fluid is not always 100 percent effective in eradicating fungi and bacteria. In addition to fungal and bacterial infections, contact lenses also have the risk of triggering eye irritation, corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, and corneal abrasion. Consult a doctor immediately if your eyes might experience interference due to contact lenses. Characterized by symptoms of irritation, excrete stools continuously, swollen, sore and tender, red, impaired vision, or sensitive to light.


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